No need to adjust your screen, you are correctly seeing THREE striped shirts that I purchased this weekend. I didn't mean to buy three shirts with the same pattern, buuuut I'm not real mad that it happened. I bought the Limited Perfect Tee at a local Goodwill for $2.00.
Even though the green and red shirts weren't from Goodwill, they were still deals from the LOFT. If you love a particular store, my advice is to sign up for their email list. This is the best way to hear about sales. For example, I received an email on Friday that LOFT had an extra 50% off of sale blouses and tees. I was pretty excited because I had originally bought the green and blue shirt for $40.00, but returned it the next day due to the guilt I felt for spending that much on one shirt...even with a gift card.
About a month later (this weekend), I was able to pick it up for $12.50! Patience really pays off when it comes to stretching your money. The red striped shirt was a little more, but still on sale at $15.00. So yes, I did splurge but I think it was worth it. Not sure that Ari made it to Goodwill this weekend. I'm pretty sure she went to see Hunger Games twice. Maybe I should jump on this bandwagon and give it a shot. We shall see. :)
Happy Hunting!