
I went to Target for a lamp....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Have you ever gone into Target for ONE thing and come out with 13 things you didn't need? That is what happened to me yesterday. About half of my inpulse purchases were from the "deal" section when you first walk into the store. Sucked me right in. 
 This has nothing to do with this post though. I wanted to let you all know that I am indeed alive. I am actually alive and well. Life has been crazy busy but it the best way possible. I finally got a job! I am now a second grade teacher in an amazing school district. But, back to the deals. 
We also bought a house this summer! Which means I now have a reason to spend more money and shop at Goodwill. Here are a few things that I have picked up so far. I wish I had before pictures for you guys because my house doesn't look like much but we have already transformed it quite a bit. It was formally owned by a sweet little old lady who believed in mint green throughout the whole house, borders, and lace. :)

 This is our one and only bathroom. The wall you see used to be one solid row of mirrored medicine cabinets.
The cloth shower curtain I picked up at Goodwill for 5.99 which is brand new from Target. Pretty much everything else is from Target....they always win. Wait, the jars on the shelfs are from the dollar store!

My next Goodwill find is hanging in my NOT mint green living room.

I found one panel at the local Goodwill. Sadly after searching a couple of them, I only found ONE. SO I had to bite the bullet and go buy the other one full price for $20.00 at Target. But still, 23 bucks for two curtain panels? I can't complain. 

And last but not least, the guest bedroom. I have never had one before, and the only people who come to stay with us our my in-laws. They love the beach, so this room was inspired by them. It doesn't "flow" or match anything else in my house, but I wanted to make it special for them because they are pretty awesome. My husband found these perfect accents at the Eville Goodwill. No he doesn't thrift all the time, he just got lucky.

So there you have it. My house is still a work in progress, but I'm pretty happy with the small things we have been able to do! I have plenty more to post, but I am tired of typing and fighting with this PC. Literally this post took me an hour...Oh how I miss my mac! Hopefully Ari will post soon. Her posts are always entertaining. Till then, happy hunting!
